IAP NNF Fitness Club Inauguration

IAP NNF Fitness Club Inauguration
 at Central Residency on 24-03-2018

IAP Team Fitness

IAP NNF Fitness Club Inauguration 

 Welcome : Dr.Devakumar
Introduction : Dr.PMC Nair
Fitness Club Future Plans : Dr.Nousheed Ani

 Stress among professionals :Dr.Kiran Kumar S , Psychiatrist MHC
Yoga in practical life : Soma Kumar and Sajeev Saraswathy
Introduction of Zumba : Arun RV (Zumba Instructor )

PALS 2018 @ Child Development Centre

World Tuberculosis Day CME

World Tuberculosis Day CME was conducted on Friday 23rd March at Omana Mathew hall , SAT Hospital

Introduction of 2018 World TB day theme by Dr.Siby Kurian
Diagnosis and Management of Pediatric TB ,Presented byDr. Neethu ,Dr Teenu. Chair -Dr.Bindu GS
What is new in Tuberculosis - by Dr.Neena. Consultant , TB centre

IAP Trivandrum Monthly CME - March 2018

IAP Trivandrum Monthly CME  March 2018 was held at The Residency Tower, Thiruvananthapuram on March 22nd. 

 Secretary's Report : Dr Anju Deepak 

 IAP Thiruvananthapuram General Body Meeting

 Panel discussion on National Programs on Child Health 
Moderator : Dr. Riaz I , Secretary IAP Kerala
Panelist : Dr.Saritha L, Director of Health Services Kerala
Dr.Santhosh Kumar A , Prof. & HOD , Dept of Pediatrics SAT Hospital 
Dr.Sree Hari , State Nodal officer , Child Health , NHM Kerala

 Dr Nisha presenting a case of uncomplicated multi drug resistant typhoid   

 Dr Sheeja Sugunan on Typhoid Fever Management and Prevention 

World Down's Syndrome Day observance

World Down's Syndrome Day

Symposium on Prenatal Screening and Genetic Counselling of Down Syndrome

Wednesday 21st March 2018 , CDC Thiruvananthapuram

Welcome Address
Dr.Santhosh Kumar A . Professor & HOD Pediatrics , SAT Hospital


Prenatal Screening - What clinician should know 
Dr.Vivek Krishnan , Consultant in foetal medicine , AIMS Cochin

Prenatal screening -Obstetrician perspective 
Dr.Sheila Balakrishnan , Professor Fertility Centre , SAT Hospital

Management and genetic counselling of a child with Down Syndrome 
Dr.Hariprasad , Additional Professor , SAT Hospital

Dr.Sankar VH , Additional Professor , SAT Hospital