International NASH Day CME - June 12 - IAP Thiruvananthapuram

IAP Thiruvananthapuram Branch in association with Pediatric Gastroenterology Clinic,Dept of Pediatrics,SAT Hospital organized a mini Update on Pediatric NAFLD (Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease) in connection with the Second International (Non-Alcoholic Steato-Hepatitis) NASH Day on 12th June 2019 at Hotel Residency Towers, Thiruvananthapuram

The meeting was presided over by Prof.Sobha Kumar,President,IAP
Thiruvananthapuram Branch and CME was inaugurated by Prof.A.Santhosh Kumar,HOD,Pediatrics and Superintendent,SAT Hospital.

The idea of International NASH Day was introduced by Dr.Prasanth.K.S, Consultant Pediatric Gastroenterologist,
SAT Hospital

There was a State of the Art Lecture on Pediatric NAFLD - 360 degree Overview, delivered by eminent domain expert and national faculty Prof.John Matthai,Senior Pediatric Gastroenterologist,
Coimbatore.The session was chaired by IAP Kerala Past President Prof.K.E Elizabeth.

The Scientific Program was attended by 75 delegates with great interaction

Mementos to the speaker was given by Dr.Jayaram Das S,Senior Consultant Pediatric Gastroenterologist,KIMS Hospital,Thiruvananthapuram and to the chairperson was given by Prof.Zulfikar Ahamed,Senior Consultant Pediatric Cardiologist,KIMS Hospital,

Vote of thanks was given by Dr.Praveen K S,Treasurer,IAP Thiruvananthapuram Branch