World TB day observance and IAP Monthly Meet -March 27

World TB day observance and IAP monthly Meet

Date - 27-3-2019 ,Wednesday ,7 pm.
Venue - Residency towers

General body meeting

7 pm Presidential address.
7.05 pm . Secretary's report .

Felicitation Dr Muhammad Kunju ,Immediate Past president

Dr Riaz I, Immediate Past Secretary IAP Kerala.

Scientific session

7.20-7.35 pm. *PROBIOTICS in Allergy and Asthma*

Dr Siby Kurian Philip MD, DAA(Dip. in Asthma and Allergy).

7.35- 8.20 pm Panel discussion on Tuberculosis .


Moderator - Dr Bindusha, Associate Professor , Dept of pediatrics ,SAT hospital ,Govt medical college ,Tvm.

Dr Shibu balakrishnan, WHO consultant (TB).

Dr JOS . O
Chairperson IAP Respiratory chapter ,kerala .
Secretary, National Allergy chapter IAP.

Dr Geetha S, Additional professor , SAT hospital, Govt medical college tvm.

8.30 pm- Dinner
